Happy, Joyous and Free, Part 1
“We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous and free.”
It has been awhile since I wrote my last blog. I can honestly admit, I was not a happy, joyous and free gal for awhile. Yes, life has been full of lemons, but I have not attempted to make lemonade. Yes, even a recovered compulsive eater likes lemonade; water, cucumber slices and lemon make a great refreshing beverage.
Let's look at the definitions:
Happy: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
I have a choice of how to feel. Yes feelings are just that, feelings neither good nor bad. My attitude towards them makes the difference. I can wallow in negativity or I can search for something to be grateful for. For example: I might be tired and do not have the time for a nap, but I can take three deep breath and get centred in my body. A gift. Grateful. As I am writing, we have no hydro power – yet we have a generator that allows us to have power and internet access.
Joyous: full of happiness and joy
I can choose to embody feeling of happiness and joy, or focus on the lack and be miserable.
Free: able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another
I am able to act as I wish – not should, would or could. Just free. Focus on the choices that I have, rather than the on lack. Or as it is often mentioned, the self-inflicted-prison-attitude or the attitude of gratitude and choice; at the same time looking out to preventing harm to others and myself.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where Millie explores how changing our attitude, embracing unconditional love, and letting go of expectations can lead us to a more fulfilling life. Don't miss it!