Friendly Circle Berlin

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Emotional Sobriety - The NEW Normal?, Part 2

How do these gifts work in my life? What is my new normal now honouring and embracing these gifts?

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE sets me free – free from the need of recognition, praise and reward. Resentments and unconditional love do not mix. I can clear my resentments and other disturbances with the help of step 10, ask God of my non-understanding for direction and a solution, even if the solution is just to trust and not take any action (a tough challenge as it requires patience). Unconditional love for others allows me to be free of judgment, mind reading and practice acceptance and peace with others. Unconditional love for myself allows me to be free of judgment, the compulsion to act out, and practice acceptance and inner peace. Everyone including myself are perfect in God's world in this moment.

UNMANGEABILITY -.... that my life is unmanageable..... difficult or impossible to control or manage (as per Merriam Webster). CONTROL.... I have never met an addict who doesn't love control. The BB tells me that "we know that no alcoholic ever recovers control" (BB, pg. 30). Not ever? Never? OH NO. Finding the key to unmanageability truly sets me free as I discover I cannot control... anything.... anyone. Embracing unmanageability takes me into being empowered as I am set free.... I am free to find a God of my understanding and make decisions in life that feel peaceful.... peacefully connected to God/HP/intuition.

THE PAUSE...."As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action." (BB pg 87). Chosing to pause, means I cannot fail to be recovered (from a hopeless state of mind and body – not cured – based on a daily reprieve). If I pause before I take the first compulsive action (bite in my case), as ask for the right thought or action, it is clear that the God of my non-understanding wants me to practice unconditional love and let go of this intention. I pause. I ask. I find a peaceful solution. I am peaceful. The compulsion is gone (food, alcohol, drugs, control, money, shopping.....make the list).

For now, I chose to pause and let you ponder on my share. Feel free to reach out to me via email and I am happy to respond, discuss or share. This is not a dissertation on my recovered life – no need to defend. This is what works for me..... what emotional sobriety has created in my life of love and gratitude. (more to follow on both).

Be blessed. Be well...... join me on the road to Happy Destiny and may God bless you and keep you until then.
